I went to the Saskatchewan Book Awards in Regina Saturday with few expectations, except that I knew Rudy Wiebe would be the guest speaker, the food at the Conexus Art Centre would be great and maybe, just maybe, Off Road would win the "best first book" prize for which I'd been short listed. Well it did, and I won enough cash to buy another batch of books for retailing. Actually, sales have been going fairly well and I had another first a few days ago . . . my first royalty check!
For any of you who haven't seen Off Road, it's available at Amazon.ca, McNally Robinsons, etc. Check out my website at http://www.george-epp.com/ and order it from there directly if you've a mind. Or email me at g.epp@sasktel.net and I'll mail it to you.
Thanks to all my friends who have read the book and provided me with comments.